Looks Good on Paper
Assembling papers to be used in the (metal) type sample book. We hope to combine at least half a dozen. Yesterday we scored, from the stash of a friend, six packages of Barcham Green seconds from the 1970s. All of them are laid; prefer wove, but this is BG, so we won't complain. About 110 sheets of Bodleian 80 g, and 100 of Canterbury 120 g. Both of those are sufficient in size and quantity to save for their own projects. For the type book we have two small packages of Azure Laid 110 g, a total of 21 sheets. Enough for the planned edition. Interestingly, one of the packs is hot pressed, and has a lovely smooth surface.
Already on tap is a small package of Van Gelder Calligraphy found last year at the bottom of a drawer in a small art supply shop going out of business. We hope to have at least one Japanese sheet in the book; perhaps kitikata, or maybe some gampi made by Reg Lissel.