
Beasts Contained

The two text pages for inclusion with Jim Westergard's suite of prints Beasts of New York were printed at the end of last week. They've been dried, pressed & trimmed to final size, so this week we go off to the local bindery to have ten slipcases made up. For the chemise we had just enough of some large, heavy taupe sheets with red highlights, made by Reg Lissel, lying around. The one thing we forgot to print (because we're not very bright) was the spine label for the slipcase, so that'll have to get done this week.

The image below shows the colophon sheet (still to be signed & numbered by Jim) and the drawing, titled "the King Beneath," that will accompany this suite. The sheets measure 6.5 x 8 inches. Jim printed the engravings on Zerkall, and did the drawings on a heavier and toothier Hahnemuhle. The text was set in 18-pt Perpetua (with 36-pt used for the title) and printed on Arches Wove paper.

All 11 prints in each suite are uniform in edition number; the suites account for numbers 16 through 25. Only eight of the ten suites are being offered for sale, priced at $750. Contact Jim directly (jimwest at telusplanet.net) if interested.